Should you require any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact the help desk.
Alternatively, you can also click on the 'View' tab, then 'Change View' and then choose 'Sent To' and it should correct the problem.Ĭlick here to read a help article from Microsoft about this issue. The quickest way to do this is press the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select all the messages in a folder, then drag these selected messages to the Sent Items folder.
To correct this display issue, simply move those outgoing emails to the Sent Items folder. When it should show the recipients name (Fookes Software), like this: As a result, you may see unexpected dates and names in the Folder Pane for imported “outgoing emails” that are not saved in the Sent Items folder.įor example, this is showing my name (sender) in the folder pane: By default, Outlook displays the Sent date and the contact name from the To field for messages in the Sent Items folder, and the server Received date and the contact name from the From field for messages in other folders.